The start of Term 3 has been nothing short of fantastic for the Year 3 students, who have eagerly participated in many different activities already. From developing their math skills to exploring the world of science, Term 3 promises to be an exciting term.
In maths, Year 3 has been learning about measurement. From different units of measurement, to making estimations, the students have been engaging in hands-on activities that make learning math exciting. Measuring everyday objects, the distance a paper aeroplane can fly and even measuring each other has not only made math fun but also helped the students develop a practical understanding of using measurement in their daily lives.
During science, the students have been busy discovering the basics of electricity. Through engaging discussions and making comparisons, they have learned about electricity sources, safety, and how electricity works. Students have shown a keen interest in learning about electricity through their inquisitive questioning and participation in a range of fun activities.
Our year 3 students are currently working on speech-writing. They have been encouraged to share their passions and interests, as they write a speech which is both informative and interesting for their audience to listen to. The enthusiasm around their topics has been a fantastic motivator and as we move forward, there is much excitement around presenting their speeches to their classmates.
Overall, the Year 3 students have had a great start to Term 3. Looking forward, they will continue to take on new challenges and opportunities for growth, not only in academic learning, but also in practicing the school RISE values in everyday school life. We are excited to see what exciting experiences we have in store for the remainder of Term 3!