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Senior School Blog

Going For Gold

By August 9, 2024August 14th, 2024No Comments

As the bright lights of the Paris Olympics continue to warm the wintery living rooms of many New Zealanders, the inquisitive learners of the Owairoa Senior School made it their mission to champion the coveted event and aim for cross-curricular excellence in their athletic-themed studies this term.

With only the gold medal in mind, the imaginative students of M17 deliberated how it might feel to have managed to accomplish success at this level. They debated the amount of work, time and effort these successes must require and then considered the personal elation the athletes surely feel once they reach the pinnacle of their sport. With these thoughts in mind, the students illustrated their keen aptitude for writing and created diary entries that perfectly described the feeling of topping the podium from a first person perspective.

While Sport Specialist Mr Basson was busy producing the next Dame Valerie Adams and Tom Walsh out on the astroturf, Mrs Maas was astutely sharing the Olympic messages of excellence, respect and friendship with M18, in an engaging and accessible manner. The eager learners blindly selected an included country and immediately set to work following the scaffolded prompts to produce a profile that championed the diversity and inclusion we encourage at Owairoa.

As our leaders of tomorrow continue to be inspired by finely tuned specimens at the top of their game, we continue to feed their curious minds, broaden their horizons and remind them that with hard work, anything is possible.