Monday 9th February was a memorable morning for many junior students at Owairoa Primary School as they finally got the chance to meet their new teacher and catch up with their classmates. For just over 30 students it was extra exciting as this was their very first day at school. It was so pleasing to see how everyone settled into their classroom so quickly and got on to learning new routines and expectations.
We have started the year with 16 classes in the Junior School. We have two Year 1 teams consisting of a total of 9 Year one classes. These teams are led by Miss Tracey Haugh (Team 1A) and Mrs Ariana Miller (Team 1B). Our Year 2 Team is led by Mr Alex Cornea and is made up of 6 Year 2 classes.
We have an exciting term planned for Term 1. Our Junior ISTEAM day will be on Mondays and the students will all be attending weekly sessions of swimming, science, library, sport and musical theatre. More details of the programme will come in our next edition of our “Junior Journal” newsletter due out next week.
We look forward to working with all our junior students and their whanau this year.