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Safe.  Supportive.  Child Focused.

Owairoa Primary School

The Owairoa Primary School Family

“Creating a safe and supportive environment for your child”

Welcome to the ‘Owairoa family’

Owairoa Primary School is situated in Howick, an affluent seaside suburb 17km from the Auckland City centre.

The school caters for children aged 5 to 11 in their first six years of schooling.

Alan McIntyrePrincipal of Owairoa Primary School

Kindo Online School Shop

Owairoa Primary School offers you a fast and effective way to view and pay for your child’s school needs online.  Click the link to access our Kindo Online School Shop

Our Latest Blogs

Junior School Blog
March 7, 2025

Planting up a Storm

This term, the Junior School has been diving into the world of plants as part of our Science inquiry on the Living World. Our focus…
Middle School Blog
March 7, 2025

Splashing into Sea Week

Sea Week in the middle school has been an exciting, splashy adventure that brought the wonders of the ocean to life for the learners! This…
Senior School Blog
March 7, 2025

Kiwiana Creativity

The beginning of the year is always bustling, and this week has been particularly rich in creativity and expression. During visual art, the students in…

What our Community Says

Please accept my deepest thanks and appreciation for the years my daughter has enjoyed at Owairoa. She has flourished at your school and we have, as a family, so very much enjoyed being part of the Owairoa community.

I visited other schools [to enrol my child] but I feel the Teachers, school facilities, student behaviours are not the same as I felt in Owairoa.

Another reason we trust Owairoa is because it is a “top performing school”. I am working in a college too. So I know how hard the school needs to work, to achieve a “strong” level in an ERO review.

Thank you so much for all that you and Owairoa did during the lock down. It is uncharted territory and I felt like Owairoa's response was fantastic. The genuine thought portrayed was to take care of our children's emotional well-being during this uncertain time and I thought that was the best response a school could have given.

Simply put, I am grateful to call Owairoa my children’s school. The last couple of months have been unique to say the least, and I would be remiss if I didn’t stop and write to you to express my deep gratitude for you and your staff's calm and professional handling of the school’s response.

It’s not often that we take time out to provide feedback on a job well done.

So I would like to take the time to say “Thank you”, to you and your team for the way in which you have handled going back into lockdown and the measures you have again put in place for the return of students on Monday.